
Tuesday, April 8, 2014


A country no bigger than Connecticut. A country whose average person annually makes $4,800. A country most Americans never studied, heard of, or glanced at. A country named Vanuatu.


Nearly 250,000 people are proud to call the united archipelago home. Its capital is Port Vila. Vanuatu is an isolated nation situated in the southwest corner of Oceania and the Pacific Ring of Fire. Because of this, Vanuatu’s land consists mainly of volcanic rock.


The economy of Vanuatu depends largely on agriculture (65%), off shore financial services, fishing, and tourism. Vanuatu’s major trade partners are Thailand, Japan, the US, and Singapore. Vanuatu mainly exports agricultural goods and imports machinery. Vanuatu also has a 1.7% unemployment rate, one of the smallest in the world.


The New Hebrides were discovered by the Spanish in 1606. The islands were left untouched by Europeans until England and France colonized the islands in the mid 18th century. In 1906 the two countries signed an Anglo-French condominium in which both nations shared the New Hebrides. In 1980 the New Hebrides gained their independence, and declared themselves as Vanuatu.

People & Culture

The Southern Pacific archipelago is home to a large native Melanesian population dating back to 2000 BC. The Melanesians of Vanuatu speak over 100 native languages. A popular dish among the native people is ‘lap-lap’, a vegetable porridge, cooked in coconut milk. The traditional drink of Vanuatu Melanesians is kava, consumed at celebrations and religious ceremonies. Drinking Kava places an acute sedative effect on the mind.

Concerning local traditions and beliefs, tipping is not practiced. Also, the affluence of a family is measured by how much one can donate.

Fun Facts

1. Vanuatu has no regular military, only police and mobile forces.

2. Vanuatu’s currency is the Vatu.

3. 82 Islands make up the Vanuatu archipelago.

Top Left: A map of Vanuatu               Top Right: A map of Oceania and the Southern Pacific Ocean 

One of Vanuatu's many harbors

Melanesian men in the New Hebrides


  1. It's such a good idea to write about countries. You can tell that you put a lot of thought into the information and it's really well put together. It's a really good informational blog that I'm hoping will help me learn a lot about the countries that I don't know about. Keep it up and I'm excited to read about new countries.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your blog! How did you hear about the country Vanuatu? It looks beautiful and I want to go there! Will you always organize your information like this? I think the lay-out of the blog is spectacular and helps the reader easily see the information! Great work Kaelen keep it up!

  3. I really enjoyed your blog. I thought the topic was unique and a creative idea. Anyone can tell you've done your research and took your time organizing it into an easy way to find information on the countries. I can't wait to see next week's blog. :)
